Intelligent Transportation

Intelligent Transportation

ENVIRONMENT: U.S. DOT Priority 1. To reduce air pollution and boost energy efficiency, dedicated eco-lanes harmonize speeds, allowing connected vehicles to use adaptive speed control and optimize gas usage. The lanes may even be set up to charge electric vehicles as they drive.

Intelligent Transportation

MOBILITY: U.S. DOT Priority 2. Using wireless communications to group cars into platoons is one way to relieve traffic congestion. In 2015, the Florida DOT converted a work truck into a self-driving vehicle that exactly mimics the speed and path of the vehicle in front of it using a connectivity retrofit kit developed for the military.

Intelligent Transportation

SAFETY: U.S. DOT Priority 3. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication warns drivers of hazards they can’t see. Vehicle-generated data is captured and wirelessly transmitted between vehicles as well as between vehicles and road infrastructure as alerts. Because state and local agencies will probably install V2I equipment alongside or integrated with existing intelligent transportation system (ITS) equipment, deployments may qualify for similar federal-aid programs as ITS deployments.

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