The Ins and Outs of RCC

The Ins and Outs of RCC

During a water pipe rehabilitation, Chicago’s water district replaced asphalt pavement with RCC.

The Ins and Outs of RCC

An easy way to tell if the moisture content is right is to squeeze a handful of mix.

The Ins and Outs of RCC

When you open your hand, it barely clings together and almost nothing remains on your hand.

The Ins and Outs of RCC

Placing 1-ft. RCC lifts from a conveyor onto the top of the dam, a bulldozer spreads the pile and rolling vibratory compactors densify the concrete while a track hoe consoldiates the edges.

The Ins and Outs of RCC

Twenty Seven acres were paved for the new intermodal terminal. It took three to four minutes to place a semi load of RCC with a high-density paver. After a couple passes with a roller compactor the pavement density exceeded 98%.

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