The National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) is hosting a series of free specifier precast concrete webinars the next several months. Click here for the complete list of NPCA webinars.

Designing Precast Concrete Retaining and Sound Walls for Better Solutions
Thursday, Sept. 15, Noon-1:30 p.m. Eastern

Retaining walls are frequently structural in nature and often critical to the proper development of a site. Precast concrete retaining wall systems, when designed properly, will outperform and outlast other systems, but it’s important to know the parameters that should be considered for proper wall design. External conditions such as soils, slopes, loads and waterfront also factor into the proper design. This course includes information about the design of retaining walls, both gravity and reinforced, and their components.

We’ll provide civil engineers and other design team members with insight into providing adequate wall layout, grading plans, external load conditions and geotechnical information for retaining wall design. We’ll also zero in on two unique projects in which precast sound walls greatly reduced noise levels. Sound walls are the most effective method of mitigating noise from major sources other than sound cessation or volume control at the source. In North America, concrete sound walls account for nearly half of all noise-abatement walls, and with good reason. Aside from being considered one of the strongest, most durable and versatile materials used on construction, precast concrete sound walls have many advantages over alternative materials; many of which are highlighted in these two high profile projects.

New Technologies in Bridge Construction - A WisDOT Perspective
Thursday, Oct. 27, Noon-1:30 p.m. Eastern

This course illustrates Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s approach and experience in the development of policy, standards, details and provisions for precast piers as a sub-set of prefabricated bridge elements and systems. WisDOT has employed a systematic process of research, pilot projects, debriefings, lessons learned and cyclical updates to details and specifications. The results of this systematic approach represent progressively improved generations of PBES/ABC technologies that better achieve project goals. Participation in the Strategic Highway Research Program 2, has provided WisDOT the opportunity to develop and implement precast piers as a lead adaptor. Through development, WisDOT has learned a number of important lessons that may benefit other DOT’s as they implement PBES in their projects. Some of these lessons include standardization of pier geometry, simplification of fabrication and forming, and interchangeability with conventional cast-in-place pier construction. This course will present specific challenges and solutions that WisDOT has faced in the implementation of precast pier elements.

How the Products we use can Impact Septic Systems and Local Ecology / Update on MIC
Thursday, Dec. 1, Noon- 2 p.m. Eastern

Septic systems are being negatively impacted by the use and disposal of varying chemicals, cleaners, medicines and antibacterial products. This presentation will cover how to identify this problem and troubleshoot the system. In addition, chemicals of emerging concern, which are showing up in our lakes, rivers, streams, groundwater and even in tap water, will be discussed. This is concerning for our health but how do these chemicals impact our septic systems? This presentation will discuss what they are, how they can potentially be removed and what we can do as an industry to limit their impact. We will conclude this session with an update on NPCA’s studies on microbiologically induced corrosion. There are many myths and theories on how the process of MIC works and what can be done to mitigate its effects. Through substantial laboratory studies at Purdue University and numerous field studies, NPCA members feel they have a better understanding of the process and some interesting strategies to mitigate it. We will briefly explain the MIC process, examine the results of the studies conducted and discuss current and future projects to further enhance concrete durability in MIC-prone conditions.