Chris Galloway has managed to gin up a new way to break rocks and concrete. It’s called US Hammer and though the engine resembles that on a weed whacker, it’s not. It’s a 4-stroke, no-mix, gas Honda. I was lucky enough to get a call from Chris and am glad to share a few more details.
Everything about US Hammer is made here in the U.S. The company has its own tooling, dyes, and hardening. “It’s a lot of metallurgy,” Chris said. The company assembles all the parts that it designed—“there’s very little internally that’s like a standard jackhammer,” he said—right here in the U.S. It custom-made a pole-setter for a rental shop in Philadelphia.
Basically, these tools are handmade. Each one. All the guts are sealed, so outside of the 4-stroke, there’s no maintenance.
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