The E-ZBAR Retainer Clip is the latest addition to the E-ZBAR line of rebar support materials. Contractors using our retainer clips in conjunction with our coil rod and rebar clips can build custom rebar supports and light duty formwork to save on labor and materials. New applications for our E-ZBAR system include thermal mass wall insulation supports, stay in place trench forms, and stake-less step forms for slabs with vapor barriers.

The E-ZBAR Thermal Mass Wall Insulation Support System allows contractors building cast in place thermal mass walls to position any size insulation, in any thickness of wall, with any coverage desired. Our rebar clips can also be incorporated into the system to position the wall steel and insulation with one assembly. Our supports allow the contractor to use any insulation board and spacing of the supports is determined by the end user.

The E-ZBAR Stay in Place Trench Form System is the only commercially available product that allows the end user to integrate the reinforcing steel and formwork into one assembly that can be pre-assembled and installed as one unit. Our system will virtually eliminate weather delays in grade beam forming applications by reducing the time the trench needs to remain open.

The E-ZBAR Stake-less Step Form System was designed to allow contractors to support step forms in slabs using vapor barriers without using form stakes. Our system allows the user to support the step form from the reinforcing steel or the vapor barrier without any form stakes to remove during the finishing process.


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