Applying a high-flow, cementitious self-leveling underlayment (SLU) over an uneven substrate to achieve a smooth, flat surface is critical for successfully installing ceramic tile, natural stone, terrazzo, wood, carpet, vinyl and other resilient flooring. While preparing many substrates for an SLU is relatively simple and straightforward, plywood, oriented strand board (OSB) and other interior wood subfloors typically must be reinforced with metal lath. TechLevel WSF Fiber Reinforced SLU from CustomTech eliminates the time-consuming and labor-intensive process of attaching metal lath to wood subfloors, so floor covering installations are faster, easier and more profitable.

TechLevel WSF Fiber Reinforced SLU is a proprietary formula of co-polymers, cements, inorganic chemicals, fiber reinforcement and Controlled Cure Technology, which prevents slow drying, bond failure, crumbling and staining commonly found in flooring coverings installed over traditional underlayment. Appropriate for use on concrete, ceramic tile, cement and epoxy terrazzo, and gypsum-based substrates as well as plywood and OSB, TechLevel WSF cures quickly and develops high early strength. In addition, no mechanical preparation is required for suitable substrates– the surface is swept clean and primed before pouring in ¼-inch to 1½-inch lifts. These collective benefits help expedite installations while delivering attractive, high-quality, long-lasting floors

TechLevel WSF Fiber Reinforced SLU exceeds industry requirements for substrate flatness to accommodate a wide variety of floor covering installations. This is especially important with the growing popularity of large format tile (LFT), defined as any edge being 15 inches or longer, where flatness requirements for the substrate can be as small as 1/32-inch. Compatible with most radiant heating systems, a 50-pound bag of TechLevel WSF Fiber Reinforced SLU has 20 minutes of working time, and covers nearly 23 square feet at ¼-inch thick and nearly 4 square feet at 1-½-inch thick. Ceramic tile can be applied to substrates prepared with TechLevel WSF in about four hours while other floor coverings can be applied at about 16 hours.

Key Features and Benefits

  • No lath required for plywood or OSB subfloors
  • No mechanical prep required for suitable substrates
  • Applied from ¼-inch to 1½-inch deep in a single pour
  • Cures fast and develops high early strength
  • Exceeds TCNA and ASTM standards and TCNA guidelines
  • Excellent retention and working time in high-flow formula
  • Limits bond failure and crumbling
  • Compatible with most radiant heating systems

TechLevel WSF Fiber Reinforced SLU is backed by a 15-year warranty when used as part of a CustomTech flooring installation system.

C3053 / C3152 / S10326 / S10527