Wyco, a division of Badger Meter and pioneer in the development of concrete vibration products, announces the addition of the Wyco ErgoPack gas-powered backpack vibrator for construction site concrete consolidation, to its family of products for the concrete and paving industries. Delivering a powerful 50cc Honda gas engine in a highly mobile yet comfortable form factor, the ErgoPack is the only backpack vibrator on the market to offer an ergonomic design where the engine weight is properly supported by the operator's hips.

The revolutionary design of the Wyco ErgoPack discourages injury-prone postures and delays operator fatigue to improve overall productivity while allowing easy mobility around the job site. With this solution, one user can easily vibrate low- to high-slump concrete with up to a 2-inch head. Adjustable straps fit all operator sizes, and make the ErgoPack the most comfortable backpack on the market. The rugged steel frame withstands abuse from the most rigorous job sites.

"We are very excited about our new ErgoPack and the benefits it provides to our customers and ultimately the end user construction workers," said Beth Thomas, Marketing Director at Badger Meter. "The new design had been initiated by Dominic Cariello, a former Wyco general manager and now GM of the Badger Meter Racine and Tulsa Operations. By listening to and observing customers, he realized that we needed to develop a backpack frame that was a much better and safer way for the operator to consolidate concrete. ErgoPack employs similar backpack technologies of those used by U.S. service members, campers, extreme hikers, etc., who carry heavy loads for long periods of time and distances."

Because the bulk of the weight is distributed over the hips, ErgoPack reduces the strain on shoulders and upper back so that the operator's upper body remains stable during concrete consolidation. This, in turn, enables operators to work longer jobs more effectively while helping prevent aches, pains and strains, which can result in lost work time.

Thomas added, "Not only does ErgoPack allow operators to consolidate concrete longer, it also discourages concrete consolidation quality issues that may arise due to operator fatigue."

ErgoPack's flexible throttle design adjusts for operator comfort, and features a "kill switch" and lock-in of the proper vibration speed. It is the only backpack that comes standard with a digital tachometer/hour meter, which allows for quick reference of vibration speed and enables users to take full advantage of the variable speed control to harness the most effective vibration for any mix. The hour meter tracks running hours to assist in preventative maintenance. Reengineered gears and bearings extend product life, and a speed increaser doubles the engine speed, making the ErgoPack a very powerful vibrator.

The Honda 4-cycle 50cc engine has a heavy-duty clutch mounted on a rugged steel frame with a flexible throttle and kill switch. ErgoPack's quick disconnect method of connecting shafts is compatible with the Wyco 994 and SureSpeed electric motor vibrators to allow customers to optimize their tool inventory to fit the needs of any concrete consolidation job.

More information: wycotool.com/index.php/gas-backpack