The new Sakrete App is the first known augmented-reality-based tool for calculating how many bags of concrete contractors will need for a job, helping save time and money. It allows a user to calculate the area and volume of the desired slab or post hole, providing the number of Sakrete bags that will be needed to complete the project. This feature will prevent contractors from having to use complicated equations for curves and irregular shapes.
Users are able to download a snapshot of their calculations with the touch of a button to save or send to co-workers. Additionally, the app recommends the correct Sakrete product for the job as well as other suggested products for the job type and size. The app will provide contractors access to safety data sheets and product information. The “Where to Buy” feature directs contractors to the closest place to buy Sakrete products. In addition, the app offers a built-in tutorial for first time users that can be revisited at any time.
The application will be available in both English and Spanish and on both iOS and Android. Sakrete will introduce the new application in January at the 2019 World of Concrete.
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