Students from Desert Rose Adult High School helped make and finish items made of concrete at the Lets’ Build with Concrete for Habitat at World of Concrete. The items were then donated to the organization’s local ReStore.
Bryan Haraway / Getty Images Students from Desert Rose Adult High School helped make and finish items made of concrete at the Lets’ Build with Concrete for Habitat at World of Concrete. The items were then donated to the organization’s local ReStore.

Adjacent to the Artistry Demonstration area at the Concrete Surfaces Decorative Pavilion, JoeCrete Inc. sponsored Let’s Build with Concrete for Habitat.

Students from Desert Rose Adult High School in North Las Vegas spent three days learning to make and finish concrete tabletops and other items. The participants were active in the construction branch of Skills USA, an extracurricular program for vocational education students. After the show, the items were donated to Habitat for Humanity’s local ReStore.

“Besides learning the skills to make the concrete tables, the students had a chance to try laying brick and block while at the show. You could tell they were enjoying themselves, because they all came back day after day,” said Douglas Nelson, the students’ faculty advisor and head of the Construction Technology department at Desert Rose.

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