The Kodi Klip application system is all Patented and changes everything ! For over 100 years wire has been the only way to secure rebar other than welding ! The Kodi Klip application tool and Klips "The Klip System" is not only faster, safer, and more consistent per connection, but is also proudly made in the USA! All of the injuries that have plagued workers for over a century using tie wire or welding techniques are eliminated using "The Klip System."
Kodi Klip has moved tie wire from a Hammer to a Nail Gun in one quick move! Our Klips are a "Green Product" and non-corrosive to the rebar and the environment not like wire! They have a consistent 4 point grip at every connection of rebar where wire does not! The Klips eliminate racking which wire cannot. When flying or moving mats to their locations for pouring wire stretches when racked! Wire has proven to create repetitive motion injuries from twisting, infectious cuts, lower back and many other ailments to the user. "The Klip System" will eliminate those issues providing a faster, safer product to the worker.
The Klips are applied with a Klip Tool which is safe and chambers the Klips within the tool, never exposing the worker to the Klips until they have already been applied. This system can be quickly used even with unskilled labor, it takes less than one minute and they are securing rebar, better, faster, and safer than wire! Time is money , using "The Klip System" you have placed the fastest system in the world in the hands of the worker skilled or unskilled allowing them to work injury free with our product, happier, and extremely productive! The Klip applicator tool is light in weight, it has a Patented quick load system, it has only 2 moving parts internally for reliable service and applies the Klips to rebar in less than a second!
Tie wire is very inconsistant when applied where "The Klip System" applies the same grip pressure on every joint making a stronger and more secure connection with no racking effect like wire! One of the big benefits is the rebar does not have to be elevated prior to building the mats like you would need to do with wire or wire guns which is time wasted! You can lay out your rebar on the ground and just shoot it together in minutes! When you elevate the rebar for wire or wire guns the worker has to step through the rebar while tying it creating opportunity for an accident and injury.
When using "The Klip System" the worker can walk on top of the rebar while on the ground and shoot it together which is much safer, faster, and easier! Please view the videos links on You Tube as they will demonstrate the benefits to both the contractor and the workers.
Kodi Klip Corp.
Booth N1813