Credit: Uli Reitz
Credit: Boutiq Films

Hilti X-Change module (X-CM) core bits are the first in the market  that can be re-tipped right on the jobsite in just a few minutes using only a simple screwdriver.

Simply replace a worn X-CM module with a new module instead of replacing the entire core bit. Hilti X-CM core bits offer contractors additional productivity by enabling fast and easy core removal and fast bit removal in the event a bit becomes stuck in the concrete. Contractors will find having one barrel and three X-CM modules is comparable to three complete bits, and since replacing a module is less expensive than buying an entire new bit, it is more cost effective. Also, modules are easier to store and transport than complete bits, giving you the ability to always have a back-up.

The LCS X-CM module provides best in class speed while wet coring and users can switch to dry hand held coring in un-reinforced masonry easily by changing to the LM module. The LCL X-CM module offers best in class life in wet coring.

Available in a wide range of diameters from 2” to 8”, the Hilti X-CM module retips, renews and restores core bit life.

Hilti Inc.
Booth 030700

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