Skudo’s new Mortar Mat is a product aimed to assist in the application of Overlays / Toppings and Self Leveling Compounds.

For Overlays, the Mortar Mat’s innovative design is the Patent Pending built-in anchors that drastically reduce the amount of Repair Mortar / Base Coat material needed. These built-in anchors also eliminate the need for laying Lath on the surface.

Not only will using the Skudo Mortar Mat speed up the Mortar / Base Coat application process, saving time and labor, but the Mats will allow the easy conversion of a hardwood floor into a polishable Overlay or Topping.

The Mortar Mat can also act as an encapsulating base for Overlays / Toppings over tile that has been affixed with asbestos based adhesives. This removes the need for costly remediation work that can sometimes shut down a jobsite or place of work.

There are possible Moisture Mitigation benefits that have yet to be confirmed but are looking promising.

All of these features are a benefit to contractors in that it will not only significantly reduce the cost of delivering a finished surface to their customers, but also allow more customers to afford such a surface to be installed.

Booth S12419

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