The Load & Go ready mix truck wash is designed to clean the residual cementitious build up off the mixer truck after the batching process. Whether it’s clumps of wet concrete that get splattered on the mixer while being loaded out of a central mix plant, or the cement “powder bomb” that goes off when loading out of a dry batch plant, cementitious build up is, unfortunately, part of the process of producing ready mix concrete. Thoroughly removing this build up is the core purpose of the Load & GO ready mix truck wash system.

The cleaning power comes from over 70 nozzles that are directing 1200 psi water at the areas of the mixer that need cleaned. The drive through stand supports the side spray bars and overhead nozzles allowing the system to have a 270- degree view of the mixer. Because every plant makes a different mess, each system is customized to address the areas of the mixer effected by that particular plant. The high-pressure water and close proximity of the nozzles to the mixer, allow the Load & GO to clean the entire truck with special attention on the discharge end, the discharge fins, and the loading hopper in less than one minute. Additional available options include wheel wash, under carriage wash, end of the day chemical applicator and the ability to wash both front and rear discharge mixers.

In addition to having incredible cleaning power the 2018 Load & GO is also an intelligent piece of equipment. As a mixer enters into the Load & GO, a series of infrared electric eyes recognize the position of the truck and communicates this information with the Seimens PLC. The PLC then directs the driver through the wash process via a red/yellow/green light as well as coordinates the correct spray bars to be activated per the mixers location. This assures that every mixer in the fleet is systematically washed in the most efficient manor and the amount of water going into the mix during the wash down process is consistent.

In comparison to the antiquated method of a mixer driver washing down with a hose the Load & GO has several notable advantages. Safety. The Load & GO keeps the driver in the mixer and not on the ladder leaning over the hopper trying to reach the far passengers side during wash down. Additionally, the one-minute cycle time eliminates mixers being stacked up 3-4 deep in the washdown area. Efficiency. The Load & GO reduces wash down time to less then one minute. Quality Control. The Load & GO adds the same amount of water in the mix every time (typically 7 gal. +- ½ gal enters the drum), allowing the dispatcher to make a calculated adjustment with consistent variables. Consistent Cleaning - The Load & GO systematically cleans every area, every time resulting in less chemical use, concrete chipping time and broken wind shield claims.

Shumaker Industries , Inc
Booth N737