Mobile ready-mix plant

The Bandit B5 ready-mix concrete plant boasts single-load mobility. All components, including aggregate storage unit, cement storage silo, batcher, aggregate transfer conveyor, water meter, and air compressor, are positioned on a single chassis for transport. The plant features a narrow 8.5-ft. travel width and offers up to 100-yd.-per-hour production.

Terex. 203-222-7170.

Precast wall system

Custom-made for the exact needs of each project, Xi Plus precast wall panels feature superior strength and insulation to create dry, warm, and energy-efficient foundations. The walls feature Dow Thermax reinforced polyisocyanurate insulation covering rigid foam insulation and a 4-in. insulated footer beam. X-Plus panels are available with a built-in insulation value of R-21.3 and can be insulated up to R-42+.

Superior Walls of America. 800-452-9255.

Molecular bond to concrete

In the manufacturer's new Tuff-Slab design, PVA fibers develop a molecular bond to concrete, which is activated when the PVA contacts the alkalinity of the mix. The unique bond with the cement paste provides improved abrasion resistance and impact resistance of concrete without sacrificing compressive strength.

Nycon. 800-456-9266.

Release agent prevents mold staining

Release Coating 7958 water-based release agent was formulated for use on latex and urethane elastomer mold materials. Additives in the product prevent mold staining and fouling when used in conjunction with powdered colorants. These additives prevent poor surface quality and color imperfections in the molded concrete part, reducing scrap. Huron Technologies Inc.

Huron Technologies Inc. 800-275-4902.

Conveyor for portable crushing, screening

The Geotrek conveyor can be directly linked with portable crushing and screening equipment in applications that require material stockpiling. Equipped with independent hydraulic cylinders at both the head and tail ends of the conveyor, the unit can also be used as a mobile transfer or linker conveyor. The unit is self-contained and equipped with a 77-hp diesel engine to supply hydraulic power to the tracks, drive, raise, and fold functions.

Superior Industries. 800-321-1558.

Truck utility body

Users will enjoy the lightweight transferable service body of the Load'N'Go Sportsman utility body. Built rugged to work on 1/2-ton and larger trucks, including Ford, Chevy, and Dodge, it can be moved on and off the bed, fully loaded, in just minutes. The hinged aluminum diamond plate door safety secures parts, tools, and equipment in the 1000-lb. capacity pull-out drawer.

Fleetwest Transferable Truck Bodies. 866-497-7200.

Rebar bending angle control option

A new programmable angle control option is available for the manufacturer's rebar bending equipment. The plug-in pendant controller holds up to six programmable angles in memory and automatically sequences through them as a shape is being formed. Spring-back compensation is adjustable in 1-degree increments.

Fascut Industries. 608-643-6678.

Green cleaner

GT Green Sheen 1870 environmentally friendly cleaner replaces highly acidic or alkaline cleaners. The phosphate-free cleaner is suitable for use with high- or low-pressure spray systems to clean vehicles. It also works on any other water-washable surface, including painted surfaces.

Galaxy Associates Inc. 800-661-9443.