Two new YouTube videos for landscape professionals and homeowners demonstrate proper installation for clay brick pavers.

One video, "Proper Installation of Clay Pavers,” covers the unique steps for laying clay pavers on a sand setting bed — including measuring modules, laying chalk lines and proper joint spacing.

Another video, "Compaction of Clay Pavers," covers the proper techniques to compact clay pavers during installation to help ensure that paver projects will provide the desired longevity, look and durability.

Both videos combine shared content from the Brick Industry Association (BIA) and the School for Advanced Segmental Paving (SASP), Franksville, Wisc.

“While fired clay brick pavers do last much longer and retain their color much better than other paving surfaces, proper installation is critical for optimal appearance and performance — just as they are for every paving surface,” said Ray Leonhard, BIA’s president and CEO.

More detailed instructions with graphics can be found in BIA Technical Note 14A: Paving Systems Using Clay Pavers on a Sand Setting Bed.

Additional BIA paving resources for landscape designers may be found at

Installation guides and a photo gallery for homeowners may be found at