Phoenix Curb Machines is proud to introduce the latest in compact curb machine technology to our equipment lineup; the PCM3300. The PCM 3300 is designed with both the experienced and in-experienced concrete contractor in mind. Weighing in at approximately 1500 Kgs. the PCM 3300 is easy to transport to any jobsite it can be unloaded by one person, set up and working in a matter of minutes. The PCM 3300 comes equipped with TopCon System 5 Sonar computerized controls.

The benefit delivered by the TopCon system is precise control over grade and slope helping to eliminate waste and improving speed and overall jobsite performance. This is an all-wheel drive machine capable of doing curb and small curb/gutter jobs on jobsites that larger machines cannot access. The operator can control the machine from two positions; (1) from in front of the equipment as he watches the concrete mix from the truck chute load the hopper or (2) from the rear control panel as he observes the finished curb or curb/gutter being extruded from the custom mold. Proper site preparation, grading and stringline setup is the key to the successful operation of the PCM 3300. In many instances, if the concrete mix is correct, little or no finishing of the curb or curb/gutter is required by the finishing crew. The compact PCM 3300 is also very quick and easy to clean when the pour is over. An in-experienced operator will need approximately 3 days of field training culminating with the pouring of actual curb.

An operator with experience operating the larger curb pouring machines will require a few hours to be comfortable running the PCM 3300. As the owner of the PCM 3300 your team can arrive at the jobsite, unload the PCM 3300, set the stringline and pour the job while your competitor is setting his forms and waiting for inspections. Molds are made to the specification of the customer and are easily changed by your team. The machine comes complete with a mold of your design and 1000’ of stringline. Phoenix Curb Machines will train you on our site or yours.