People are always coming to me with the next great thing, whether it’s a new concrete coating, or a miracle admixture, or a special tool. Deciding what’s real and what’s bogus can be a challenge. Sometimes I’ll write about the next great widget simply to see if I can get a response, although the most common response is no response and the second most common response is that I completely misunderstood and we are canceling our advertising.

We’ve been recognizing the Most Innovative Products at each year’s World of Concrete since 2003 and some of the products turn out to be dogs, while some that didn’t seem that great turn out to be winners. It's fun to look back 15 years and see what was innovative then--ICFs were hot. Clever new tools often remain clever tools that no one uses or they quietly disappear. It’s really kind of sad when that happens—someone’s dream shattered.

For 2018, we had 53 products entered into the MIP, ranging from Procore software to Keen Utility boots to a giant drum cutter from MB Crusher America. The new dust control category had nine entries, which was reflected at the show by all of the clever ways companies have figured out how to deal with the new OSHA silica-dust regulations. There were many products that I found fascinating, including Hilti’s water management system, Illumigear’s Halo lighted hardhat, and Aaron Hilbert’s Tracker plastic joint installer.

Check out all of the 2018 entries and winners--you're sure to find something of interest.