The Durotec headquarters building consists of 1,000 square meters of polished concrete (between warehouse and office). We remodeled the offices, modernizing and increasing the space, taking the comfort of our employees into account. To achieve this, we created an upper floor where the offices are situated, leaving the ground floor as a training center and canteen. Wanting the floor to be a the main attraction, we chose a modern, open layout with glass-walled office spaces, a faithful reflection of our market activity and company philosophy—we are young, constantly evolving, innovative, and transparent.

Durotec’s business is to treat, densify, and polish concrete floors, therefore it was important for our floor to represent this. We also wanted to include our treatments throughout the office, which is why we have densified and polished the concrete of the central stairway in the reception area, the water feature wall, and the exterior walls which lead into the office and surround our restful chill-out area. This is an innovative new use of this treatment. Once construction of the upper level was completed, we included our personnel in the creation of what is our new office by treating the floor ourselves.

We are proud to say that we all participated in the redesign of the office space. We listened to the needs and ideas of our team, one of which was the water feature wall in the entrance. A distinctly different use of densified and polished concrete. Showing our respect for the environment we use Ashford Formula from Curecrete, an environmentally friendly green-label product. To enable the planet to rest, while simultaneously allowing us the benefit from as much natural light as possible, we have installed large windows and a central skylight, using LED lights only on the cheerless days.

We believe we have created a distinctive office space in the area—pleasant and comfortable for our employees, with a unique floor which is a true reflection of who we are—a young, innovative, and eco-friendly company.