When a large truck repair shop approached Royale Concrete to polish and lane stripe the floor in a brand new 23,500-square-foot building, the concrete polishing contractor came up with a plan to get the job done quickly and to meet the challenging goals the customer had.

“The floor of a truck repair shop is really used and abused, to say the least,” says Erin Ledger, operations and project manager for Royale Concrete. “It was exciting to take a brand new concrete floor and finish it in a way so that it could hold up to the heavy demands under which it would be placed, while also ensuring it looks great for years to come.”

One might assume that a truck repair shop would not be concerned about how it looks on the inside, but that was not the case with this customer. The customer had invested a lot of time, effort, and thought into their new facility and wanted to create a space that reflected their values of doing only the most high-quality work and paying attention to every detail.

Given the customer’s unique requirements for toughness, endurance, and aesthetics, Royale Concrete approached finishing the floor with a plan that included retaining the tightly troweled surface and refining that to a polish, instead of starting more aggressive and cutting the troweled surface off and opening the floor up. The contractor decided to use a wet polishing system instead of a dry one to refine the floor faster.

“We knew this floor would be subjected to all sorts of contaminants over time,” said Royale Concrete owner Jessica Ledger-Kalen. "The trucks coming in for repair would be introducing all sorts of oil and other contaminants to the finished surface. They would also be tracking in salt, dirt, sand, gravel, and other abrasives from the roads outside.”

The process of cutting off the power-troweled cream cap would have opened up the floor, making it much more porous. It also would have created many more steps in refinement to close that surface up again and create a more contaminant- and abrasion- resistant surface. Using a wet polishing system and retaining and refining the power-troweled cream cap allowed the contractor to achieve the tightest floor possible in a short time-frame. This isn’t always possible with older floors or restorations with heavy repair where craftsmen are required to start with more aggressive grinding. However, since this was a brand new floor and exposing aggregate was not a concern for the customer, this was the perfect solution.

Part of the process included grinding the floor with a cutting compound which aides in refinement and then going up to 800 grit polish. The Royale Concrete team also used Metzger McGuire’s new EP80 moisture-tolerant polyurea joint filler to fill 4,000 linear feet of joints. They choose EP80 to mitigate concerns about potential moisture in the joints.

Once polished, Royale Concrete was charged with prepping and installing 1,500 linear feet of epoxy lane striping. The results were beautiful and functional for the efficient and safe movement of trucks, equipment, and people inside the building.

“Royale Concrete not only met the aggressive time schedule,” said Ledger-Kalen. “We also produced a finished product that met our customer’s functional and aesthetic needs. It is holding up and performing wonderfully, even in the extreme work environment.”