Back in 2016, an unfortunate fire at the Jack’s Point Clubhouse and Restaurant in Queenstown tarnished the old topical coating on their decorative concrete floors. Megafloor contractors, Polished Concrete Ltd, and Stone Heritage Queenstown, approached Jack’s Point Clubhouse for an opportunity to refurbish the floor during the reinstatement work that was planned to take place in multiple stages during 2018.
Their recommendation was to use Megafloor’s High Street Premium polished concrete finish, which uses a penetrating repellent rather than a coating, to provide a durable, scratch-resistant, and easily maintained surface.
Although the floor had a small amount of fire damage, the concrete underneath was found to be in a fairly good condition. Unless a fire is extremely intense and causes concrete shattering, polished concrete is probably the most fire-resistant of all the generally acceptable finishes, making it an ideal long-term flooring solution.
Megafloor contractors worked harmoniously as a team and reprocessed the floor in stages, as required by the clients staging schedule. The results far exceeded everyone’s expectations. The floor is a stunning example of what can be achieved by refurbishing an older coated polished concrete floor. The team at the Megafloor head office in Auckland claim that this is one of the best concrete mixes they have ever seen using the Megafloor High Street Premium system and are proud to be associated with it.