Syncon Inc. was contracted to handle a distribution facility of 500,000 square feet. The tenant had expectations for the project to have everything be "like new", which would need to be completed within 90 days. This included the flooring, all MEP upgrades, new paint and walls, ceilings, pipes and the demolition and replacement of the fire suppression system as well as the breakdown of the current wall system that had previously separated four different tenant spaces. After surveying the floor, the contracor realized they had a bigger challenge which presented a difficult task.

The flooring was covered in 80-100 mils of heavy duty industrial epoxy that was in place for well over ten years. Although presented with a difficult task, within this very short time frame, we were able to complete:

  • 80 mil epoxy removal to 3,000 grit polished concrete 500,000 square feet.
  • Spalled construction and control joint repairs 58,870 linear feet
  • 4 inch joint rebuild and re-shouldering 7,640 linear feet
  • Crack repair 36,750 linear feet
  • Surface defect repair 8,490 EA
  • Steel bollard removal and repairs 350 EA