Elegant Concrete Polishing consulted with the design team from Svigals + Partners/Lynn Brotman Design on the polished concrete for the rebuilding of the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The team was hitting a wall with wanting to specify Type I White Cement to have a sandstone color for the polished concrete areas, and Type II Gray Cement for the remainder of the building. This posed some problems. For one, it was not cost-effective to color the entire depth of the slab. The concrete placement contractors were also apprehensive to try and achieve this.
Because the contractor has plenty of experience installing cement based toppings, they were able to save the design team money and help them deliver the intended design.
The contractor has used CTS Rapid Set TRU as their topping of choice for the last seven years, mostly because of how it installs and performs. Once the TRU self-level topping was installed, Elegant Polishing craftsmen implemented a simple but beautiful design during the polishing stages of the process.
With construction projects getting tighter budgets and schedule, the contractor could deliver finished sections ahead of the projected time.