The Chicago Park District, Clark Park Boat House is a Rowing Training, Boat Storage and Rental Facility. 20,000 square feet of Previous Concrete Pavement was utilized to filter and to convey surface water and some building roof water into subsurface gravel where it is retained, allowed to percolate directly into the soil below or allowed to flow restricted to the river. Particles and associated pollutants are allowed to settle. As storm water percolates and recharges the ground water, the system filters and cleans the storm water by a process of filtration and microbial conversion of hydrocarbons, thus reducing the environmental impact of the pavement that is also being used by rowers to transport their boats between the river, street and the boat storage building. The use of Pervious Concrete to construct a large staircase to the river was a challenge due to the incompatibility of conventional stair forming and the required pervious concrete compaction equipment. Brick and grass pavers were utilized to enhance the beauty of the paving.

Reference: Pervious Concrete Contractor Certification, NRMCA Publication #2PPCRT