Birmingham, AL - Ductile iron pipe, the durable and environmentally friendly choice for water utilities around the world, earned the coveted SMaRT Sustainable Product Certification, an independent rating system for the sustainability of a product throughout its life cycle, the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association (DIPRA) announced today. Ductile iron pipe is only the second product in the buried infrastructure industry to earn this certification.

The Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability categorized ductile iron pipe with its esteemed Gold rating thanks to the pipe's rankings in:

  • Safe for Public Health & Environment
  • Renewable Energy & Energy Reduction
  • Bio-based or Recycled Materials
  • Facility or Company Requirements
  • Reclamation, Sustainable Reuse & End of Life Management
  • Innovation in Manufacturing

Ductile iron pipe is the clear and superior choice for sustainable infrastructure investments. Made from recycled scrap materials, with up to 95 percent recycled content, ductile iron is durable and dependable. It is also the wise financial choice – considering it is designed to last up to a century or more, an achievement few other pipe materials can match.

"DIPRA member companies are dedicated to protecting the health and wellbeing of its employees, its neighbors and the customers of the utilities that use ductile iron pipe," said DIPRA President Gregg Horn. "This commitment to environmentally sound practices only adds to the long-recognized value of our product. We are proud to be a leader in the field of sustainable water and wastewater infrastructure."

For more about the SMaRT certification, visit here.

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