Image courtesy 401(K) 2012 through a Creative Commons license.
Image courtesy 401(K) 2012 through a Creative Commons license.

Who says there’s no money for infrastructure? While the 2018 federal spending package that passed in March contains only relatively minor infrastructure spending increases, the big ambitious Trump plan (sent to the U.S. Congress in February) seems to be in a perpetual vegetative state. But, meanwhile, the states, counties, and cities are moving ahead on their own. If you watch the infrastructure construction news you see stories like these:

The Ohio DOT plans to spend $2.35 billion on roads and bridges in 2018

$5 billion is budgeted for the LAX people mover

$10.8 billion to fund the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta project

$153 million for an interchange in Connecticut

A possible $550 million tunnel in Paso County, Fla.

Construction has started on the $2.1 billion Gordie Howe International Bridge in Detroit

A 10-year plan in Texas allocates $6.8 billion to fix congestion in the Houston area, $5.3 billion in Dallas, and $2 billion in Austin.

A $107 million toll-lane project in San Francisco

Infrastructure in Wisconsin for the new Foxconn plant totals $634 million

All that adds up to a lot of money flowing into infrastructure. That's why we are holding a new conference this fall: the Infrastructure Imperative, to explore how to build infrastructure smarter, and how to improve the quality of what we build. Let’s give the nation some infrastructure to be proud of! Three tracks on November 14 and 15 in Cleveland will focus on streamlining infrastructure projects, increasing productivity, and improving durability and resilience. To learn more, click here.