Workers place the bus lane while the parking area in the background awaits its overlay.
Courtesy Don Clem, NRMCA Workers place the bus lane while the parking area in the background awaits its overlay.

This story first appeared in "This Week in the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry" published by the National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association.

Concrete paving work began on the Pikes Peak Pay Parking Lot, owned by Denver International Airport (DIA), in mid-July. The 64-acre project includes a 10-inch thick concrete bus lane, as well as a 5-inch concrete overlay over asphalt for the car parking areas. The project is reportedly the largest concrete parking lot overlay ever constructed in the U.S. The contractor for the project is ACPA CO/WY member Concrete Works of Colorado (CWC), owned by Marc Lenart. ACPA CO/WY, the CP Tech Center and NRMCA staff have worked with DIA Landside Engineering Group and CWC to develop the design and construction specifications for this important project.

Dave Gray, GCC of America, Leonard Velasquez, SLV Quality Concrete, and NRMCA Vice President, Local Paving, Don Clem, PE, provided a training session on concrete parking lot overlays for the Landside Engineering Group – DIA back in July 2017. Copies of the CP Tech Center’s Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots, funded by the RMC Research & Education Foundation, were provided to DIA engineers in attendance. Concrete overlays have also been a marketing focus for the ACPA CO/WY Chapter for some time.

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