By using pavement preservation treatments such as micro surfacing (shown here), in conjunction with mill-and-fill cycles, agencies can save up to $500,000 per two-lane mile over a 50-year period when compared to mill-and-fill-only programs. To most effectively stretch the budget, target up to 40% of paving dollars to preservation. Photo: ISSA
By using pavement preservation treatments such as micro surfacing (shown here), in conjunction with mill-and-fill cycles, agencies can save up to $500,000 per two-lane mile over a 50-year period when compared to mill-and-fill-only programs. To most effectively stretch the budget, target up to 40% of paving dollars to preservation. Photo: ISSA
Pavement Condition Index

The International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) has applied a hypothetical cost scenario to the Pavement Condition Index chart developed by the Army Corps of Engineers. In the example chart on this page, a road that receives three preservation treatments over a 25-year period at $2/square yard will remain in good condition for a total cost of $6/square yard.

If the road is left untreated for 11 years and pavement preservation is used as reactive maintenance to preserve the pavement, the cost will be approximately $4/square yard. Waiting this long to apply a treatment generally leads to a deteriorated road base structure, so the reactive maintenance treatment will only last about four years, when it will require yet another treatment or rehabilitation. In comparison, if nothing is done for 12 or more years, a mill-and-fill (mill and overlay) or full rehabilitation will be required at a cost upwards of $12 to $16/square yard.