“Re-Living 50 Years of Municipal Sewer Grouting and WHAT’S NEXT” is not your typical webinar. This webcast is more of a documentary entertaining & educational with a glance back through a rearview mirror as well as forward looking statements with intent to bring a fresh new perspective to the original trenchless technology. The next 50 years of municipal grouting begins now.

And it begins with knowledge transfer. Ten experts, innovators, and practitioners share their wisdom so engineers, contractors, and municipal stake-holders can champion the cause of controlling infiltration and inflow (I&I) to sustain our underground collection systems.

10 Experts, Innovators and Practitioners :
Harold Kosova – Retired, National Power Rodding
C. Vipulanandan, Ph.D., PE – Director, CIGMAT
Ted DeBoda, PE – Executive Director, NASSCO
James Shelton, PE – Technical Director – Buried Infrastructure, ARCADIS
Daniel Magill – President & CEO, Avanti International
Marc Anctil – President, Logiball
Ron Manestar – Service Manager Southeast Division, Aries Industries
Pete Fleetwood – Bio-Nomic Services, Inc.
Mark Schneider – Product Specialist, CUES Inc.
John Manijak – Business Development Manager, Michels Pipe Services.

World Trenchless Day (9/22/16) is a day of global celebration on the 4th Thursday of September each year that shines a spotlight on all of trenchless technology’s benefits safety, economics, environmental, social.

World Trenchless Day unites the entire trenchless industry manufacturers, contractors, engineering firms, associations, public works and publications to share the world of trenchless technology, reaching out to those who have not yet realized the impact that trenchless methods have on their communities.

For complete agenda and registration information for this World Trenchless Day webinar, visit www.AvantiGrout.com/On-The-Road.


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