Plotting the aggregates on a coarseness factor chart is useful.
Plotting the aggregates on a coarseness factor chart is useful.
  • Regardless of the sport, the best players are the ones who continually prepare. Just watch the all-pro quarterback double- and triple-checking items to make sure everything is good to go before game time.

    Successful roller-compacted concrete (RCC) contractors are the same. No matter how many jobs they’ve done, they install a test strip before each project to:

    Ensure the concrete production and construction techniques produce the same results (within tolerances) as those of the submitted mix.

  • Develop correlations between lab-cured specimens and field-cast cored cylinders or sawed beams.
  • Determine the amount of roll down.
  • Confirm that the owner is satisfied with aesthetics.
  • Work out any process issues before in-place work begins.