Erosion caused by stormwater runoff threatens infrastructure throughout the watershed. In this photo, bank erosion has exposed a section of sanitary sewer pipe along Twelve Mile Creek, increasing the risk of illicit discharges to the stream.
Mobile Bay National Estuary Program Erosion caused by stormwater runoff threatens infrastructure throughout the watershed. In this photo, bank erosion has
exposed a section of sanitary sewer pipe along Twelve Mile Creek, increasing the risk of illicit discharges to the stream.

The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) is facilitating stream restoration within the Twelve Mile Creek tributary in Mobile, Ala. After a public request for proposal and an interview process, Mobile Bay NEP selected Stantec to provide planning, design, and engineering services for the restoration of approximately 1,300 linear feet of degraded stream in the headwaters of Twelve Mile Creek. The general project area is located within the Upper Watershed to the south of Old Shell Road between Cody Road and East Drive in the City of Mobile.

The goal of the Twelve Mile Stream Restoration Project is to convert a channelized segment of Twelve Mile Creek by re-engaging the floodplain, stabilizing channel dimensions, controlling invasive species, re-establishing the riparian vegetation, promoting water quality, and reducing sources of sediment that are impairing the hydrologic function of lakes at Langan (Municipal) Park. Stantec also is partnering with Mobile Bay NEP to facilitate public meetings to explain the project and design process, solicit input, and address questions and concerns.

“Engaging residents plays a vital role in the success of the watershed planning process and environmental restoration," says Mobile Bay NEP Director Roberta Swann. Says Stantec Project Manager Denise Brown, “Our knowledge of the community and urban landscape will enable us to develop a solution that will be aesthetically pleasing and practical.”

Stantec is an engineering and environmental services firm with over 22,000 employees globally and more than 200 offices throughout North America. The office in Mobile is one of eight offices across the Gulf Coast. For more than 20 years, Stantec has been helped with river restoration, fluvial geomorphology, channel assessment and stability design, sediment transport analysis, fish passage, the restoration of native riparian systems, and recreational access amenities. Stantec has completed over 2,000 miles of stream restoration and assessment projects across the U.S.
