The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its 2013 Most Wanted List, with six of the ten issues focusing on highway travel where most transportation fatalities take place and includes the number one killer on the list: substance-impaired driving.

The new annual list of the independent federal safety agency's top advocacy priorities calls for ending distraction in all modes of transportation. Distraction was the cause of multiple accidents investigated by the agency in recent years, and its deadly effects will only continue to grow as a national safety threat.

The list covers all transportation modes. There are six new issue areas — distraction, fire safety, infrastructure integrity, pipeline safety, positive train control, and motor vehicle collision avoidance technologies.

The NTSB's 2013 Most Wanted List of transportation priorities includes:

  • Improve Safety of Airport Surface Operations
  • Preserve the Integrity of Transportation Infrastructure
  • Enhance Pipeline Safety
  • Implement Positive Train Control Systems
  • Eliminate Substance-Impaired Driving
  • Improve the Safety of Bus Operations
  • Eliminate Distraction in Transportation
  • Improve Fire Safety in Transportation
  • Improve General Aviation Safety
  • Mandate Motor Vehicle Collision Avoidance Technologies

To learn more on each of the above topics, visit