Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) was used to pave this 200-cubic-yard roadway in a small town in Pennsylvania. The township approached a local paving consultant who explained three options. The road could undergo total reconstruction in asphalt, the township could place an asphalt overlay including a geotextile fabric over the existing pavement, or the existing pavement could be repaired and then overlayed with roller compacted concrete (RCC).

Ultimately, the township decided to go with RCC. Fast construction and saving taxpayers money were the two main reasons they chose RCC. As the project began, the existing asphalt surface was repaired and leveled in preparation for the RCC. Almost 200 cubic yards of RCC were placed and rolled to a final depth of 4 inches. Wayne Companies supplied and placed the concrete for this job.

The project was completed and open to traffic in just 24 hours. This drew the attention of neighboring municipalities whose representatives came to view the project and are now interested in using RCC for their own projects.

“Our industry hopes that other local townships and municipalities take advantage of this technology and incorporate RCC into their paving programs,” said Ken Crank, Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association. “It is a great alternative and nice way to stretch their paving dollars.”

Click here to view the original case study.