Contractor Anderson Concrete took care of this project from start to finish. With a highly successful concrete pour, the contractor was able to reach a flat surface that reflected a level of clarity never before achieved.

The floor was poured using SILEX Power Placement and Global Polishing Systems products. The pre-densifier product used throughout contributed to the flatness that made this polishing job so satisfying. Grinding and honing were completed using an 8-foot Husqvarna ride on power trowel with a 50 grit diamond polishing pad to expose the aggregate. The contractor then polished the floor with 400 metal and 400 semi-metal to achieve high light reflectivity, and finally the floor was dry polished with an 800-grit phenolic resin diamond.

There were hardly any challenges with this polishing job. Due to the contractor's experience with polished concrete, the project was completed in a single day and all parties were satisfied. The final result was a sleek, quality storage space completed effortlessly through a trusted polishing process.