
Category: Institutional
Location: San Antonio, TX
Size: 80000 sq. ft.
Masonry Used:Modular Brick 58,600 sq.ft. Sand Stone 54,200 Sq. Ft. CMU 24,800 Sq. Ft.
Submitted by: Shadrock & Williams Masonry, Ltd.

Project Description

The multipurpose building located on the Texas A&M University San Antonio campus is a 3 story administration and classroom Facility. It is the first facility to be built on the 600 plus acre campus located on the Southside of San Antonio, Texas.

The building is cladded in brick and Native Texas stone. The local San Antonio Missions inspired the stone color and pattern. The brick veneer blends in beautifully with the stone work. The arcade walls at the lower level and the three story tower includes the use of reinforced masonry arches, the arch columns are covered with stone and brick rowlocks and headers were used at the thick archways. The four large window features located at the corner of the building are trimmed out with a large band of brick headers. The other windows are topped off with a Jack Arch with each brick of the Jack Arch being individually cut. The remaining brick walls were accented with brick headers, Rowlocks, and soldiers which highlight this learning facility.

This Texas A&M multipurpose building definitely sets the bench mark for all future buildings to be built on this vast campus.

Project Participants

Architect / Designer's Name: Steve Usrey Company: Kell Munoz Architects
Phone: (210) 349-1163

General Contractor's Name: Raymond Heath Company: Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (210) 655-1031

Masonry Contractor's Name: Anton Shadrock Company: Shadorck & Williams Masonry, Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (210) 695-3565

Masonry Supplier Company: Brick Selections
Phone: (210) 525-1146