This biannual report has analyzed data on "active transportation" trends since... More
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) announced at Greenbuild 2014 held this week in New Orleans that it has published a comprehensive set of industry average environmental impacts for concrete to help its members address the movement toward product transparency in LEED v4. More
Concrete Group Publishes Environmental Impacts of Concrete in Support of LEED v4. More
A second Utah State University study of PVC pipe performance in water and wastewater systems affirms the material’s 100-year lifespan. Previous research by the university’s Buried Structures Laboratory showed the pipe fails less often than ductile iron, cast iron, steel, concrete, and asbestos cement. More
Buying fuel at the lowest possible price is difficult in volatile fuel markets that can swing 10 cents or more in a day. Here is advice so you can have control over these large outlays. More
The USGBC's release of version 4 of the LEED rating system (LEED v4) includes new requirements for product declarations related to toxicity and human health effects. More
The NRMCA is now accepting responses for its 2012 Quality Survey which seeks to establish industry benchmarks for frequency of testing, quality control personnel, quality documentation and equipment monitoring. More
For more than a year now, we've been reporting on the development of the “Standard... More
Successful companies have road maps that will really work to transform their businesses, even with the challenges of a difficult market. For example, who would have predicted the effects of the lending market on the residential concrete market just two years ago? More