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Mission: possible

Few public utilities look at the long-term “big picture.” Strategic plans look beyond those capital improvements and focus on other critical issues that a municipal utility must plan for. A strategic plan defines the mission of the utility and the issues that are critical to its success, and develops strategies to address those issues. More

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Controlling pH--Safely

Producers can avoid liquid acid and its associated safety hazards. More

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What's the right gauge?

I have been told that a minimum of 18 gauge should be used for steel studs in a brick veneer system. In many cases, however, a 20 gauge or 22 gauge stud may work structurally. Is this 18 gauge figure the industry standard? If so, what is the reason for this recommendation? More

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Packaging Away Your Problems
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Associations Benchmark Safety Efforts
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Benchmarking Safety Is Their Business
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Leasing New Radio Technology to Increase Profits
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