The 2014 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 Regional Schedule is almost wrapped and the first place winning teams are in for 21 of 22 qualifying competitions More
The winners for the first qualifying Spec Mix Bricklayer 500 regional events held this year are in. The first place masons and their tenders from these regionals will compete against follow regional winners at World of Concrete/World of Masonry. More
Five of the most recognized and trusted companies in the construction industry have aligned to create the industry’s best complete masonry cavity wall system. More
EPS and XPS solid insulation have been used in construction. This author cites... More
Back-up for absorptive cladding, Create space, Ventilate brick walls, Keep substrate dry, Allow water to drain. More
Cavity walls designed and specified for the commercial market in the last 43+ years of my experience in the architectural profession are one of the most misunderstood areas of the design profession. More
Some architects provide a membrane or seal to isolate the masonry cavity from the jambs of windows. What is the purpose of the seal? Is it required by codes? More
The double wall construction method creates load-bearing walls with two wythes of brick. The result is that both interior and exterior walls showcase brick's beauty and texture while providing the ultimate in low maintenance. More
In a cavity wall, is it better to place the insulation on the inside face of the block wall backup so that it is closer to the building's interior and so the cavity is kept completely open, or is it better to place the insulation in the cavity? Will insulation in the cavity contribute to mortar bridges? More