C67 - Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile has been revised to C67-14 developed by Committee C15.02, ASTM BOS Volume 04.05. More
In the middle of 19th-century Bavaria, a mixture of cement, sand, and water was... More
Roof tile production across the country is on the rise. And it's about time, since tile is the predominant roof covering material worldwide. According to the Tile Roofing Institute (TRI), the industry's marketing organization, tile roofing is a $603 million industry in the United States. Tile, which includes clay and concrete, continues to grow in popularity, and is now the dominant roofing material along the West Coast, across the Sunbelt, and in Florida. More
The residential roofing market may soon change due to the ingenuity of architect Jose Henriquez and engineer Francisco Bermudez, who have developed a method of forming and building sloping roofs of reinforced concrete that uses commonly available construction materials and methods. More
Constructed early in this century, the Greek School building of Saint Vasilios suffered severe deterioration of its clay tile bearing walls due to unorthodox original construction and poor maintenance. More