New admixture will significantly minimize the potential for drying shrinkage cracking to such an extent that cracks may not form. More
ASTM Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregate for Internal Curing of... More
This special class of shrinkage- reducing admixture uses a patent-pending technology to limits initial crack width in high-performance, crack-prone (HPCP) concrete mixtures. In lab tests, concrete mixtures were tested in accordance with ASTM C1581 test method created crack widths of at about 175mm (.007 inches). At this width, the crack is nearly invisible to the naked eye. More
There are various options available for reducing curling and increasing joint... More
Admixtures are available today that can significantly increase durability. Here is a look at the benefits and potential limitations of these specialty admixtures. More
Las Vegas never sleeps. So for those World of Concrete attendees who arrive early at the Las Vegas Convention Center, we’ launched “Breakfast with the Experts”. Attendees will have daily peer-to-peer opportunities each show morning to pose their questions on technical problems to leading concrete industry experts More
Las Vegas never sleeps. So for those World of Concrete attendees who arrive early at the Las Vegas Convention Center, we’ve launched “Breakfast with the Experts”. More
When the ASTM Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregate for Internal Curing of Concrete was published in 2012, the standard change revealed a new understanding about the importance of high-level hydration of concrete. One year later, we look at how ASTM Standards C09 and C09.21 are benefiting the concrete industry. More
Jason Weiss' internal curing research reveals small changes that result in big improvements. For more than a decade, Weiss and his Purdue University students have worked to improve concrete with internal curing. More
New durability-enhancing chemical admixtures can ensure the durability of concrete... More