As is typical in the synthetic fiber business, the answer to the question, are... More
A proposed new ASTM specification will help minimize maintenance expense and improve public safety by providing a definitive standard for one essential infrastructure component, fabricated metal access hatches. More
Fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) systems are emerging as an expanding... More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports that the performance of 50% of the concrete repairs on its structures is unsatisfactory and that after only 10 years 70% were failing. That sort of performance gives building owners and the public little confidence. More
One difference between fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) and fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) systems is the mechanical behavior in tension of the composite. FRP systems are linear elastic until failure, and their ultimate tensile strain is limited by the ultimate strain of the fibers. More
High-solids water treatment in an advanced cartridge design More
ProMatrix Engineered Fiber Matrix from Profile Products delivers high-level... More
EMCOR Group, Inc., has announced that its subsidiary, Poole & Kent Company of Florida, has been awarded a contract by Miami Dade County for construction of Master Pump Station No. 3, which will help expand sewer system capacity in the Brickell area of Downtown Miami, Florida. More
This web course for the educated contractor covers general guidelines for using... More