Stericycle agreed to pay a $150,000 penalty after EPA found that the company... More
Baltimore, one of the first U.S. cities to mandate LEED, has switched to the International Green Construction Code 2012 as an overlay to the city's building, fire, and related codes. More
Lawyer Burks is the new Vice President and General Manager for the company. More
A study of the Canada, Germany, U.S., and United Kingdom insurance industries shows that only resilient infrastructure coupled with development reforms will mitigate the effects of climate change on the built environment. More
Persistence pays off for Bernalillo County, N.M., which wanted to use solar power... More
California passed a law allowing projects to be delivered via design-build more than 20 years ago, then kept tweaking it until no one was sure exactly what was allowed and by whom. A new law clarifies all that. More
If you don’t allow your crew to do any sidejobs, you may lose a few good men. Contractors and crews should work with each other so all can benefit. More
As the economy continues to improve, here's what you can expect OSHA officials to be looking at. More
Enhance the benefits, health, and longevity of your community’s canopy with the International Society of Arboriculture’s Tree Risk Assessment Qualification program. More
Fifty-three years ago, President John F. Kennedy saw a threat to the nation's... More