Our firm did the masonry work for a new school. Ever since the building was completed, there has been a leak just below the point where the school roof intersects the gymnasium wall. The roofer claims the roof is not the source of the leak. The architect thought the leak was occurring because we forgot to put weep holes in this area. However, we feel the real cause was the architect's requiring us to hold the flashing back 1/2 inch from the face of the wall. We agreed to install weep holes in the masonry to see if it would help, and did so by removing brick units and replacing them with an open head joint on one side. Before reinstalling the brick, we inspected the flashing to make sure it was not damaged. We found that in all cases the flashing was held back no farther than 1/2 inch from the face of the wall. Yet after the repairs, the leaks were worse than they were before. What should we do? More
The Mayfair Shopping Mall is an exclusive mall located in Coconut Grove, Fla., near Miami. The changing character and lifestyle of the neighborhood prompted the owners to do a little remodeling. More
I have seen several different methods of installing through-wall flashing at the base of walls above a lower roof area. Sometimes the through-wall masonry flashing is installed one course above the termination bar for the roof base flashings. Other times, the through-wall flashing extends down and covers the top edge of the roof. I have also seen a two-part flashing with a counterflashing that locks into the through-wall flashing. Which is the best way and when should each be used? More
Concrete dome roofs for large water reservoirs have several advantages over flat roofs. More
With a 50-year life expectancy, concrete roof tiles compare favorably with wood, clay, and asphalt alternatives when a life-cycle cost analysis is made. More
In the March 1977 issue, page 141, there is a discussion of how to eliminate the pond on a roof by removing the builtup roofing, spraying on a polyurethane foam in a number of passes, applying a skin by flood-coating and then reroofing. The method was sai More
When unusual depths of snow fell in the Chicago area there came news of literally hundreds of commercial and industrial roof failures and thousands of home garage roof failures. More
How deep a fold is needed for a folded plate roof that will span 120 feet? More
What is the present cost of tilt-up for a building of 60,000 square feet using 20-foot by 32-foot panels, a five-inch floor slab, plywood diaphragm roof with built-up roofing, plate steel girders, 20-foot by 40-foot bays and average other details? More