In areas (like California) with rising property values, subdivisions are much more... More
Briggs & Stratton Commercial Power developed and patented the Vanguard... More
Small changes on big projects can lead to a great deal of extra work. This was the... More
Small to mid-size contractors afforded easy access to private construction data on iOS devices. More
Small to mid-size contractors afforded easy access to private construction data on iOS devices. More
Learn how to protect your home in a flash, as Donn Thompson from the Portland Cement Association talks about the benefits of using insulating concrete forms (ICF) to build safe rooms. More
With Real-time and Mobile Data Access, SMBs Can Stay Competitive, Reduce Costs,... More
The House of Representatives’ fiscal year 2015 (FY15) funding bill gives the U.S. DOT $17.1 billion, and community planning and development $6.2 billion. More
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers has called on Congress to restore small business expensing, which allows small business owners – including contractors – to immediately deduct the cost of a qualified investment in the year of purchase rather than through multi-year depreciation. More
AEM has called on Congress to restore the small business expensing level, also known as Section 179 expensing, to its previous $500,000 level as well as make it permanent and indexed to inflation. More