Miller & Long employees at work on the Acadia project at Metropolitan Park in Pentagon City, in Arlington, Va.
Miller & Long Miller & Long employees at work on the Acadia project at Metropolitan Park in Pentagon City, in Arlington, Va.

The early years challenged partners Jack Miller and James Long to be innovative. During the high-rise construction boom of the 1960s, Miller & Long pioneered the use of electrically powered climber cranes and tall tracked tower cranes. The contractor was the first to use high-speed conveyors to place concrete on high-rise buildings and the first in the Washington D.C. area to use banding straps and clamps to reduce the cost of concrete column forms.

One of the first in the industry to offer employee health insurance and profit-sharing, the company also has provided financial assistance for continuing education. Employees have won top honors in the Washington Building Congress Annual Craftsmanship Awards. The company’s efforts in career and technical education and pre-apprenticeship training have been recognized by the District of Columbia Building Industry Association and the D.C. Mayor’s Environmental Excellence Awards.

Bonus Video: Company officers provide a brief history of the founders and early days.